Thursday, December 16, 2010


So let's start off with some inspiration. You know the jist of my story but I'll tell you how I've come to my decision on how to design it. This is just the start of my inspiration posts. As I have much to draw from.

Probably one of my favorite animations of all time is in Fantasia 2000 and is to the lovely sounds of Rhapsody in Blue by Gershwin. Amazing piece and truly expressive. And the team over at Disney at the time seemed to think the same thing. They created an amazing view of a day in the life of several different people living in NYC in the Great Depression. The artwork and long flowy lines are amazing and the dynamic shapes the characters form is fantastic.

I really loved the way that the music meshed with the movements of the characters on film and am actually trying to incorporate that somehow into my film. I like the music accenting and telling the story instead of just plain words. Music has so much to offer.

But anyways as you can see, simply awesome stuff there.

And most of THAT work was inspired by a guy named Al Hirshfeld. That's where they decided on the long flowing and curvy lines for the characters.

Look at that use of line!

So the man has some talent. Clearly.

What I drew from him is the use of line and how important that is and how much it contributes to the scene. It's brilliant.

More inspiration to come soon. Don't you worry.

Alright let's do this!

Ok so this is a rough initial post in my senior film blog that I created a while ago.

I want to do this to keep myself motivated and continuously working on stuff. I'll try and post as much as I can as often as I can. So try and check it out whenever you are bored out of your mind and want to see what I've been up to.

I'm going to be posting stuff I've already done for the first few posts in order to spread it out and keep things organized in my posts. And for the sake of reading as well.

But to keep this initial post short and sweet, I'll give you a little overview of my film.

It's called "The Suitcase" (hence the blog title) and is about a girl dealing with a bad situation involving a dead dog and little to no help. That's the short story. HA. Sounds great right. Riveting if you will?

But it's going to be swell. An ode to older styles of animation in the animation styling and also the aesthetic styling. While the animation will be done in 3D, the final output will be made to resemble tradition styles of animation. From the exaggerated movements, to the squiggly lines, to the simplified backgrounds. It's all in there and meant to create a fantastic and colorful world for my main character to run around in.

I think it's going to really freaking cool and I'm excited about it, if not also a bit scared. We'll see.

That's all folks.